PreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation GaugePreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation GaugePreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation GaugePreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation GaugePreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation GaugePreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation GaugePreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation GaugePreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation Gauge
PreciBal - Balance Principle Precipitation Gauge

PreciBal - Weighing Rain Gauge

KISTERS’ PreciBal is an innovative high-quality precipitation gauge using the weighing principle for measuring liquid, solid and mixed precipitation within a wide temperature range. It conforms to the most stringent requirements of the WMO. PreciBal is a low…  Read more

Type PreciBal 200 PreciBal 314
Dimensions Diameter 385 mm, height 650 mm, weight 9.5 kg Diameter 385 mm, height 630 mm, weight 9.5 kg
Orifice Diameter and Area Diameter 160 mm, area 200 cm2 Diameter 200 mm, area 314 cm2
Bucket Capacity 1.500 mm 1000 mm
Intensity 3000 mm/h
Accuracy of Amount ±0.025 mm or ±1 % 0.016 mm or ±1 %
Accuracy of Intensity ±1.5 mm/h or ±1 %
Threshold of Amount 0.025 mm/40 min 0.016 mm/40 min
Threshold of Intensity 0.025 mm/min 0.016 mm/min
Resolution Amount: 0.001 mm; Intensity: 0.1 mm/h
Measuring Element Strain-gauge bridge
Power Supply
  • 5 to 30 VDC / max 40 mW, typ 1.2 mA@12 VDC
  • Heating: 10-28 VDC / 0.8-2.5 A / 8-75 W
Pulse Output by Relay Contact 1 / 0.1 / 0.01 mm (1 / 0.1 / 0.01 / 0.001 inch), max 24 VDC/0,5 A
Serial Output SDI12 V1.4 / RS 485 MODBUS RTU/ASCII
Output Parameters Intensity, cumulative precipitation, weight (metric and imperial units)
Connector M12 8-pin; M12 4-pin (for optional heater)
Installation 3 point triangular mount
(option: 3 point to 2”/4” mounting bracket for direct pole mounting, see below)
Operating Measuring Temperature Range
  • Unheated version: -40 to +70 °C (with antifreeze below +4 °C, without snow accumulation or ice accretion)
  • Heated version: -40 to +70 °C (by anti-freeze and with heating @ 24 VDC heater)
Operating Deployment Conditions Temperature: -40 to +70 °C / Humidity: 0 to 100 %
Degree of Protection Instrument: IP 65, Load Cell: IP 68

KISTERS’ PreciBal is an innovative high-quality precipitation gauge using the weighing principle for measuring liquid, solid and mixed precipitation within a wide temperature range. It conforms to the most stringent requirements of the WMO. PreciBal is a low power device even during cold winter times by using anti-freeze agent to decrease the freezing point of collected water. The optional heating is controlled by a combination of temperature settings and solid precipitation events to avoid snow capping and ice accretion at extreme environmental conditions.

PreciBal achieves very high levels of accuracy by means of correcting the data to eliminate the influence of wind vibration, particles, unrealistic weight variations, evaporation, and temperature fluctuation. The result is outstanding measuring performance in terms of accuracy, long term calibration for real-time precipitation monitoring at entire intensity range up to 3000 mm/h. 

The compact design allows for easy installation. Due to its low power consumption PreciBal is ideal for remote stations powered by battery or a small solar panel. Two different versions regarding the bucket orifice (200 / 314 cm2) and collecting size (1.500 / 1.000 mm) are available. Processed precipitation data (one-minute intensity, various cumulative precipitation data, weight, temperature) are available via serial interfaces and via the PreciBal app. 

PreciBal with its solid state design without any moving part measures liquid and solid precipitation by its factory life time calibrated and adjusted load cell at highest standards and performance on accuracy and reliability. Low power consumption, low maintenance and high accuracy provide reduced operational costs, less staff deployment in the field, better data and high data availability.

In addition to KISTERS’ data loggers, PreciBal is compatible with other data loggers and ideal for deployment at new sites or expansion of precipitation monitoring networks.

  • Linear characteristic at entire intensity range up to 3000 mm/h 
  • Extra low power consumption < 40 mW
  • Long term maintenance schedule for emtying the bucket 
  • Sustainable design for long term calibration, high MTBF and low costs of ownership 
  • Hermetical sealed load cell for life time calibration
  • Easy installation and field deployment by M12-8pol connector for sensor and M12-4pol connector for heater 
  • Bluetooth communication for monitoring, settings and firmware update via app
  • Output signals: SDI-12, RS 485 (MODBUS-RTU/ASCII), Pulse Output
  • Metric or imperial units

  • Precipitation and automatic weather stations
  • Synoptical and climatological stations
  • Hydrometeorological stations at remote sites without main grid (e.g. high mountain applications)
  • Flood warning systems
  • Weather radar calibration
  • Mesonet and climate change 
  • Urban and municipalities